Before Smith began his solo designing career, he had perviously worked under the likes of: Jonathan Saunders, Roland Mouret and Erdem. Therefore providing him with an excellent platform to progress in his own designing campaign. Despite this solid foundation from which to build upon, Julian J Smith has surpassed the expectations of many, and excelled way beyond anyone could have envisaged at such an early stage of his career.
Back in February Smith returned for another dose of LFW, this time to showcase his Autumn/Winter 10-11 collection. Again his designs were well recieved, and his sophistated yet young and vibrant style was also noticed. His inspiration comes from the Pop Art movement which was prevalent throughout the 1960's, and is evident through Smith's mixing of acidic colours with neutral tones. I personally love the way he has no fear in experimenting with his designs, perhaps where others may shy away. For instance, his flair for clashing different fabrics and textures to create an almost abstract effect is truly refreshing. Throughout his work exquisite detailing and intricacy remains constant, making pieces expressive yet wearable.
After just two fantastic collections, Julian J Smith certainly looks set to continue making waves in the fashion industry.